Category: Tutorials

Jun 11

A Candid Guide To Newbie Bloggers

What’s so great about this internet universe is the amount of information you can have at your fingertips by typing the keyboard and entering “Enter.” But there’s so much crap out there that the first thing I would advice to newbie bloggers is to make sure you have valuable information that you can offer. Remember the times when you’re browsing about a certain product you’re researching and internet porn sites comes out from the search results. Thank God we’re so beyond that now but I can still see some unscrupulous peeps who had started abusing the use of the social networks sites like Twitter. You know who you are. Anyways, enough from my soapbox.

Blogging 101

For most of us bloggers, we just take for granted that the whole world knows about blogging at this point in time. There are those who don’t know anything about it at all. Seriously. Don’t even laugh because that’s why I’m writing this. I’d been asked a hundred times about blogging & how to blog. I suppose I’d gained enough information so I can share this to any newbies. To experts out there who maybe reading this, you can add your additional tips at the comments section.

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