Category: Manila

Sep 29

Tropical Storm “Ondoy” Hits Manila: Help Needed

Tropical Storm “Ondoy” (international name “Ketsana”), a once-in-a-lifetime typhoon hits Manila last Saturday, September 26. It was Friday in Los Angeles & I was busy with my small claims court issue. The next day I learned about it from the postings of my friends from Manila in Facebook & tweets coming from Twitter. I scanned for the cable news & my heart dropped when I saw images worst than the Katrina Hurricane tragedy last August of 2005.

I called my family and see how they’re doing since my mom still maintains our home in Sampaloc even if she already lives in Makati. I remember how bad floods can be in España Boulevard along UST. I was calling my mom for 2 days before I got a hold on her since communications have been down, too. During previous storm & floodings, our home in Sampaloc never got flooded. This is the first time ever that it happened. And my mom told me that it was knee deep high. I was relieved though since a lot of people had it worse than them.

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